Most abstract art is composed of non-objective and non-representational art. All abstract art is not meant to look like anything or does not portray anything recognizable. Abstract artists create using color, form, and texture to present emotions and ideas without thought of the reality. So it is usually intangible and much more of an emotional experience.

There are four types of abstract art:
1. Color related – these artists use color or light to express their ideas. Artists such as Monet and Kadinsky painted these types of art in their repertoire. Monet, known for impressionistic paintings, in his later years, painted canvases of similar or narrow colors.

2. Geometric – Kadinsky and Mondrian are known examples of geometric styled abstract artists with their linear perspectives.

3. Gestural or Action – this art relied on the movement of the brush or the process involved. Pollack is an example with his drips and splashes. He was influenced by his wife, Lee Krasner, who also developed a drip style.

4. Emotional – incorporates shapes and colors for an emotional or intuitional expression.

Abstract may have one of these four types but it is not always clear as to be pigeon holed into a category. Abstract is elusive and mysterious and fulfills the inner expression.

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